Soa Zara was founded on the initiative of Delia and Jacob Ter Veen, and now employs 16 permanent staff and, depending on the project, dozens of part-time employees. Soa Zara is supported by Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, GIZ , Planeterra, Mora Travel, G. Adventures, ITC Lodge, Groenewold School Stein (NL), Association Tany Maitso (FR), (CH) and many individuals.

The original idea to start a reforestation project quickly turned into something much bigger. Meanwhile, the following additional projects have been implemented or are underway:

  • Care and breeding station for Katta Lemurs
  • Construction of residential and guard houses for employees incl. their family.
  • Construction of water retention dams
  • Fish farm
  • Laundry
  • School canteen, where children receive a hot meal free of charge.
  • Biomass project, which over the years has guaranteed a regular income for many needy women
  • Hospital, meanwhile, it has received the official status of a public hospital. It has a maternity ward, a general practice, a small laboratory, an infectious disease ward, dentistry and two operating rooms and a recovery room.

It also houses several employees. It is connected to the local power company and has a generator in case of a power outage. It also has running water and even hot water in the maternity ward!


Postal address

Association Soa Zara
BP 17 Ranohira
Ihosy 313, Madagascar



Phone: +261 (0)34 72 116 06 (English, Dutch)
Phone: +261 (0)34 17 850 44 (Malagasy, French)